IT asset audit

An IT asset audit is an essential part of any office move. At ER Logistics we complete detailed audits to categorise and account for all the IT equipment and devices at your business. Our team provide a full audit for your office to ensure every last item is properly accounted for. We’ve been conducting office removals since 2003 and, through those decades of experience, have learned that an IT asset audit is vital for an effective and efficient move. Especially as more businesses rely on tech and systems become more complicated, you need a professional team to account for all your IT infrastructure. Our expert team will deliver a comprehensive and efficient audit every time.

Arrange your consultation

Prepare for your office move effectively with a professional IT asset audit. Give us a call on 0208 665 0660, send an email to, or fill in our contact form to arrange your consultation.


What items are covered in an IT audit?

We account for every item in your office’s IT infrastructure. Our team works diligently to deliver a complete service that ensures every asset is properly noted and recorded so you know exactly what you need to move. This includes:

  • Desktop computers
  • Laptop computers
  • Monitors and screens
  • Server systems
  • Internet infrastructure
  • Peripheral devices

An essential precursor for any office move

Your IT infrastructure is made up of many complex and expensive components that need to be accounted for when you move premises. Investing in a thorough audit of these assets will help you keep track of everything and ensure that it all moves effectively to your new location. Additionally, your IT equipment will often contain sensitive information that you don’t want to end up in the wrong hands. This means a proper audit is essential to keeping track of your IT equipment. Once your audit is complete, you’ll know exactly what it is that you need to move. This helps you account for the space that will be required, the time frame, and any special accommodations that need to be made for delicate or sensitive equipment.

Office equipment audit

In addition to your IT system, we can complete an asset audit for the equipment in your office. Our team can help get you prepared for your move by taking an accurate and detailed account of all your office furniture. This includes desks, chairs, and any other equipment that you need moved to your new location. Once again, this information will ensure that the move goes smoothly and everything is properly accounted for. When moving from A to B, a detailed audit will ensure that no detail is overlooked.

Disposing of unwanted assets

If your audit has identified any items that are no longer required by your business, we will be happy to help you dispose of these responsibly. After all, there’s no need to continue dedicating precious space to these items. We can recycle or upcycle furniture and IT equipment to give these items a new lease of life, or can destroy these responsibly. Alternatively, if you wish to hold onto these items whilst you work out how to deploy them in future, we can place them into storage on a short-term or long-term basis.

Arrange your consultation

Get in touch with ER Logistics to find out more about our professional IT asset audits. With decades of collective experience, our team are the perfect choice for this essential process, helping your move run smoothly. You can contact our experts by calling 0208 665 0660 or emailing